You are currently browsing the daily archive for October 28, 2010.

36 here I come!

In 6 days, I turn 36! Wow. I’ve been grappling with the idea of middle age. When I look in the mirror- I still see 20 something- maybe on the later side. However, when I open my mind- I live up to my age.

I feel every inch an adult. What does that mean to me? It means – responsibility, being grounded and having a firm grasp on the tactile world around me.

It’s been a strange chapter – as all segments of my life become year after year. My mid-30s have been punctuated with drama/trauma from messy births and a lot of sleep deprivation coupled with nauseatingly sweet hallmark moments of nose rubs with my newborns and wholehearted hugs as these little beings grow up.

I’ve had a break here and there from the label of mother. Most of all, the dawn of 36 marks looking at the world clearer and more precise without excuses for myself or others.

I work a lot more efficiently and effectively. I walk with more purpose. I dream a larger vision that encompasses more than a passing adventure, but an indelible mark on the world- “mai” world.

Through the years, I still stick to the motto that I can have it all, but not all at once- step by step, moment by moment and most importantly, when I’m in the thick of things- whether it be colorful or sad- to savor life- because it passes so darn fast.

36 is a year of wisdom.

It’s Wednesday and this is the last week of Sarge. I’m experiencing an epic cold with coughs and bouts of insomnia, hence my late night typing. It’s 2 minutes until midnight so instead of coughing into my pillow, I thought I’d be productive and write about it.

In all honesty, with the death of my step-dad coupled by this awful cold and a heavy load of work in the pipeline- Sarge has turned into a distant dream. I vaguely recall sweating and panting at 5 a.m., but I will not be renewing my subscription to the drill sergeant mode of exercise.

What I learned:

boot camp is great for toned arms, but terrible for sleep.

go with a gal pal, she will call you out of bed- literally.

Finally, death of a loved one in conjunction with a cold leads to a no go on Sarge.

Next week, assuming this cold is over, I’m hitting the gym, my spin class and pilates.


Sweet Dreams and good-bye Drill Sargent!


 Week 3 of the Sarge Program proved to be fruitless because I was horribly ill with a cold. The photo to the left illustrates how I felt. This is a nifty contraption of a wearable pillow so you can rest your head on any flat service- provided you lie back and not forward.

My friend, Meg, would call everyday at 5 am and I would cough over the phone.

Copious amounts of mucous and green phlegm do not go well with cardio of any kind.

The only exercise I got this week was the path of least resistance to my bed- and back.

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October 2010